Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One Out Of 5 Adults Do Not Have Any Teeth-What Can They Do?

There are 35-40 Million Edentulous People in the U.S. (No Teeth in either the top or bottom of your mouth ) What Can Be Done To Help Them?  Dentures are the only options when there is advanced gum disease and very little bone is left  in the mouth.    What about  people  who have a few teeth and are missing others?  One solution is MINI-IMPLANTS- they are fabulous- they hold a shifting and movable denture  or partial and even help maintain the bone around the implant.  When your teeth are removed the bone starts to dissolve in your mouth- this is called resorption.  The longer the teeth are gone the more bone is lost.  Implants save the bone .   The sooner they are put in the better- implants actually become part of the bone- that is called osseo-integratiion.  The only reason we have bone in the mouth is because we have teeth.  That bone forms and shapes the face.  Once the teeth are gone so goes the bone. 2 or 4 mini-implants under a denture can make a super difference.  If you have a partial and all of the teeth are gone in one part of the month   One or two minis will give the partial some thing to hook on to instead of moving whenever the tonque or cheek hits it when you talk or eat. The best part is Minis are a lot more affordable than regular implants - about 1/2 the price!

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