Friday, January 22, 2010

Gum Disease and Diabetes

What do gum disease (or pyorhea) and diabetes have in common?  Each can make the other worse or better.  Poor blood sugar control can increase bone loss and worsen pocket depths.  Diabetes is the #1 condition that increases susceptibility to gum disease.  The #1 systemic condition adversely affected by perio disease is diabetes.   Type 2 Diabetes can be improved following perio treatment.  Be sure that your gum disease is checked every time you get your teeth cleaned.  This done by checking with a little round ruler all around each side of your tooth - this is called probing.  If you have gum disease we now know that it can never be cured-just maintained.   After 3 months ths bacteria in your mouth changes to a persistance of P. gingivalis which causes insulin resistance, early heart attacks, strokes, rheumatiod arthritis, pre-term low birthweight babies.  We are really oriented to helping you keep your teeth for life at Dr. McGarry's office!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sleep Apnea @Dr. McGarry's Office

What is Sleep Apnea?  You stop breathing while you sleep. It can be caused by the tongue falling back into your throat when you go to sleep.  Always check a snorer -Is there a loud snorting sound that causes them to slightly wake up- that is when you have stopped breathing and your brain is waking you up so that you breathe again to restore oxygen to it.  It doesn't only happen to snorers.  So what is the problem?  It can cause daytime sleepiness, early heart attack, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure.  What is the problem with sleepiness during the day - it causes more accidents than drunk drivers!  What can be done for it- We have an at home tester at Dr. McGarry's office and she has been trained in treating sleep apnea.  We can make an appliance to wear while you sleep that will bring your lower jaw slightly forward to open up the airway