Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Gums Have Always Bled-Isn't That OK?

More and more scientists are finding links between gum disease and the  bacteria that that are able to move within the bloodstream and can go anywhere.  The placenta is an immuno-suppressed organ compared to other organs like the liver and spleen and bacteria can colonize easily in the placenta.  For the first time scientists have linked bacteria from a mother's gums to an infection in a baby that was full- term but was born stillborn.  You can find more information on (mother's gum disease linked to infants death)  Obviously this is a rare occurence -but even gingivitis is gum disease and the bleeding it causes can move thoughout the body and is a  known link  to premature babies, diabetes, heart attacks,rheumatiod arthritis,alzhiemers and strokes.  The mouth is a portal to the whole body- the bacteria can go everywhere.  The human body has ways to protect itself from bacterial infections -but if it is overwhelmed the consequences can be scary.  If you are expecting or know anyone who is pregnant tell them to see a dentist and make sure that they do not have gum diseased or make sure  it is very controlled and their gums are not bleeding!

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